
The Lu and Gi Association was begun on 2008,following a proposal by Fr. Giosy, a charismatic priest and a successuful singer-composer, profoundly enamored of St. Lucy Filippini. She gathered adolescents and the young, who were hesped to discover the person of Jesus and their personal vocation.

Such a movement is present, in a particular way, in places where the Maestre Pie work.

The encounters, organized at a national level and coordinated by Fr. Giosy along with a group of Maestre are thus distributed:

  • ROME for central Italy
  • PESCARA and SULMONA for northern Italy
  • NAPOLI and TEGGIANO for the Campania Region
  • BITONTO for southern Italy

The Encounters at the regional level are led by several Maestre and the young people.

Youth in Dialogue

Every Maestra Pia, in the light of the Call and of her experience of following it, must feel the responsability of offering Jesus pressing invitation to the young: “Come and see…”.


Young people are beautiful. Jesus, you love them.

The young love. You live in their love.

The young have immense potential. You favor their development of it.

The young have withyin themselves every vocation. You call them.

The young have “wings”. You offer them the blue of the immense heavens.

The young are enthusiastic. You open to them the ways of the universe.

The young are joy. You multiply it in their hearts.

The young sing, dance, are music. You are their dance.

The young are YOUNG. You are their young God.

Don Giosy Cento